Gallery Addition to 2023 Holiday Letter

2023 Garden


This was not a great year for my garden. I didn’t take a lot of pictures but I’ll post a few.


It started on my kitchen table…with lots of anticipation and expectation!


So far, so good. Then I moved it all to the shop so Miss Kitty couldn’t get at it.

It was not happy: eventually, most of it died!


A corner view of my garden in progress


Yellow and purple beans…I planted three other varieties but don’t have any pics to prove it.


Fairytale eggplants and yellow bell pepper

Produce inspector

Produce from garden (a couple more bean varieties here)

Produce inspection


Near season end produce

Black Futsu squash: one of the new (to me) varieties I planted this year

This is the landscape cloth (complete with attached weeds) that I pulled up at the end of this gardening season.

It proved to be a handicap to my gardening efforts so it had to go. This pile filled nine huge lawn and leaf bags


Since the real thing was somewhat disappointing I created some AI pics of the things I planted.











